Company Details

Information according to § 5 ECG or disclosure according to § 25 MedienG

Media owner or service provider:
Julius Meinl am Graben GmbH

Graben 19
A-1010 Wien
Phone: +43 1 532 33 34
Mail: office(at)
Business purpose:
Trade in goods of all kinds
registered at Handelsgericht Wien (Vienna Commercial Court)
Sales Tax ID No: ATU74172156, FN 507266 F

Regulating authority  ECG (E-Commerce-Gesetz):
Municipal District of the 1./8. District
Member of the Champer of Commerce and Trade Association
Applicable trade regulations or regulations under professional law:
GewO (

Voluntary Code of Conduct:
Trustmark Austria

Bank Details:
RLB NÖ-Wien, BLZ 32000, Kto-Nr.: 303 958
IBAN: AT23 3200 0000 0030 3958

Responsible for the Content: Julius Meinl am Graben GmbH. Programming: LIMESODA Webagency. Text: Pia Buchgraber, Simon Strobl, Nomu Matsukawa, Ute Kronawetter. Photos: Pia Buchgraber, Simon Strobl, Monika Fauler, Herbert Lehmann.